Tuesday 12 May 2009

Prelimanary Task

For the preliminary task it was of my duty to create a magazine cover. The magazine cover would be used for my school and would have to use a photo which would be relevant in attracting other children to our school and tell other students about what is happening around the school and what things are new around it.
I decided to change from my prototype the photograph that I would use. I used the same environment but then changed the person who would be in it, I did this because he seemed more casual and more used to the software than the previous occupant who didn’t seem comfortable and looked slightly confused when pretending to use it. For the picture I decided to use the radio station as planned, this provided the new form of education that was being provided and also which helps to provide outside students to our school.
The picture was from a mature view as it was aimed at the sixth form, so didn’t use bright colours to attract younger children. I used a red gradient background which is the same as the school’s logo colour; I thought this would be appropriate as it would relate to the school colours and would also make the picture stand out. I also incorporated the school logo as this would again show its relation to the school. The font which I used was show card Gothic, this was used on the main title, The Prospectian and on the secondary headline at the bottom of the page attracting students to read the magazine. Another font that I used was, Georgia, this font was used as it is very clear to read and was used for the date and the message, “your 6th form monthly magazine”. This also tells the audience that there will be a magazine issue every month.

I started by comparing a series of other schools magazine front covers, this would allow me to see how they attracted their target audience and also what features showed it was for a school.

This is a copy of a school magazine. It has a large hand drawn picture on the front cover which looks to have been drawn by a student at the school. It has a large title at the top, which is the largest product on the page. It uses a simple font in which the students would find easy to read.
The second magazine that I looked at was Prospect News, from my school. This magazine was from an un-bias point of view, was the best as it compiled a variety of images involving students from each of the years. It is usually printed in Black and White so colour wasn't an issue or something which I could evaluate.

This is another example of a school magazine. It has the schools magazine name, Marillac in a simple font at the top of the page. It then has its key picture in a shield and the main story in the magazine underneath. It uses a basic coloured background. It isn’t that exciting to look at but provides the basic story of the magazine.

Completing the preliminary task was a way of teaching me how to use software and also something which helped me to plan my time correctly for the main task. Please see the finished version below;